I’m a Naarm|Melbourne-based artist who uses materials and methodologies to explore themes of agency, authority, and value.

My recent work explores these themes through the lens of ambiguous loss, a term used in psychology to describe the often-unacknowledged grief that can be experienced with life-changing events such as job loss or relationship breakdown. Ambiguous loss can cause feelings of diminished security and control, and a sense that the world is no longer a benevolent place.

Focusing on the creation and value of an everyday world, I use domestic materials to create small and softly spoken works that centre around observation, collecting, connection, and care. I regularly work within constraints, using limited lines and colour palettes to reflect the unceremonious nature, and feeling of colourlessness, associated with ambiguous loss.

I was awarded the National Gallery of Victoria Prize and the Award for Contemporary Drawing by Monash University. I’ve been artist-in-residence at Heritage Hill, a finalist in Still: National Still Life Award and a postcard winner in the Linden Postcard Show. I hold a practice-based PhD in Fine Art.